
Workshop on teaching and learning activities in your course design

10 December 2024 12:45 to 16:15

Welcome to participate in a workshop where we focus on teaching and learning activities, in other words, what the students do in and outside the classroom within the framework of a course.


Based on the learning outcomes for the course you teach, you will get inspiration and tips on activities that suit different types of learning outcomes, as well as concrete support in planning and structuring the course's learning activities so that they promote students' learning. As part of the workshop, you will work concretely with a course, with a method called the ABC model for course design.

You can participate as an individual teacher, but preferably with one or more colleagues that you teach together with on a course.

You need to bring the course syllabus for the course you want to work on in the workshop.

The workshop will be held on site at AHU, in M313 on the second floor of the MNO building. We will offer fika.

Register to attend this workshop – forms.microsoft.com

The same workshop is provided in Swedish on Monday 7 October and in English on Wednesday 25 September. 

View calendar event for the workshop on 7 October (på svenska) – ahu.lu.se

View calendar event for the workshop on 25 September (in English) – ahu.lu.se

About the event:

10 December 2024 12:45 to 16:15

Room M313, MNO Building (Sölvegatan 16, 223 62 Lund)

In English


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