Digital technology in your courses and programmes

The thematic workshop series “Digital Technology in your Course and Programme Design” is open to teachers and staff with teaching assignments at Lund University, with a particular interest for directors of study, programme leaders and directors, or anyone involved in the design of first or second cycle courses at LU. It is intended to help you to think critically about the use of digital technologies to support teaching and assessment, and to support discussions in your teams about whether, when, and how to include digital tools to support teaching.  The course is comprised of three seminars and some online material. There is also the option to complete an additional assignment equivalent of one week (40h) working time.

For this course, we are assuming that the purpose of technology in teaching is to improve the educational experiences of both students and teachers. The workshops encourage you to consider this in a strategic way, to ensure that your current use of digital tools is achieving what you want, and to see if there are any gaps you might like to fill. The course will be given in English.

Workshop dates during spring semester 2023:

3 March                    10:00-12:00
24 March                 10:00-12:00
28 April                    10:00-12:00

The workshops take place in room M313, MNO-huset, Sölvegatan 16, Lund.

Click here to read the course description. (PDF, 201 K, new tab)

The enrollment form can be found here: 


Language: English

Scope:  Three seminars with the possibility of working 3 hours online between the seminars (Canvas).  

Charge for admission: The course is free of charge 2023.

Places: 30 

Welcome to apply no later than 30/1 2023 by clicking on the link below. 
Application form:  

Page Manager: caroline.cabotuvet.luse | 2024-03-13