Support for development
AHU provides support for teaching development!
What do you need support in developing?
AHU supports individual departments, teaching teams, educational programs, Study Directors' networks and other constellations in various forms of pedagogical development work. Our contribution can mean everything from coming and giving a tailored workshop to acting as a discussion partner, for example in the development of educational programs. The form and content are designed in dialogue with you and based on your needs.
Examples of themes for seminars and workshops that AHU regularly gives are
Learning activities: Learning activities are what the students do in and outside of the scheduled course time to achieve the course objectives. In AHU's workshops, you work on designing learning activities for the students that are varied, meaningful and expedient. One of the tools for this work is the so-called ABC model.
Examination and assessment: Examination and assessment are carried out partly with the aim of checking whether the students have achieved the course's learning objectives, partly to stimulate their learning. AHU’s workshops on assessment and examination can have different focuses, for example Learning-oriented assessment, Oral assessment, Progression, or how to formulate and work with assessment and grading criteria.
Course evaluations: According to the Higher Education Ordinance, students must have the opportunity to present their experiences of and opinions on a course. In AHU's seminars and workshops, you delve deeper into questions such as how such course evaluations can be used in a constructive way to develop the courses and/or an educational program. We also discuss topics like the differences between formative and summative evaluation, as well as how teachers who only teach some part of a course can still get feedback on their effort.
Learning environments: Learning environments can be physical, such as classrooms, milieus for workplace based education and field trips, or digital, such as a digital learning platform, for which teachers design learning activities for students. In AHU's seminars and workshops, you delve deeper into how different learning environments affect students' learning, which can be the basis for pedagogical choices.
Sustainable teaching time: The experience that the allocated time for teaching is not quite enough is shared by many teachers. In AHU's workshop, you as an individual teacher and/or teaching team explore how you can design your courses and programs in different ways to create the best possible conditions for sustainable teaching, without reducing the teaching quality.
Research supervision: On this theme, AHU can offer seminars and workshops on, for example, supervision of doctoral students' writing, critical thinking and creativity in postgraduate education, challenges and opportunities in project-based postgraduate education, supervision ethics and management of postgraduate education.
AHU also supports larger pedagogical development projects at faculty level. Examples of such are Pedagogical academies and qualification systems, Anonymization of examination and assessment, Formulation of grading criteria.
Feel free to contact us for questions and more information!