Course design in higher education – blended course
Course design in higher education is open to teachers, and staff with teaching assignments, at Lund University. It builds on the course Teaching and learning in higher education (or the previous Learning and teaching in HE, LATHE, or similar courses). Participants will be able to increase their understanding of student learning and course design, and become more familiar with literature and research on teaching and learning in higher education. Furthermore, participants will be able to discuss their own teaching as well as analyse and plan teaching in conjunction with assignments. The course equals three weeks of fulltime work, i.e. 120 hours, that can be translated to 4.5 higher education credits (translation and reporting to Ladok is done at your faculty). Besides the scheduled meetings, the course comprises online activities and individual/group work such as reading and written assignments and group assignments. In the case of absence (however, not more than 20 %), compensatory assignments are provided.
Please note that all participants need to prepare a short (1 page) proposal/outline for the course project that should be uploaded on the course platform during the first week of the course.
Being present at the first course meeting is mandatory in order to follow the course. This meeting can neither be attended online nor be compensated for by makeup-tasks.
A central activity of the course is to plan and develop a present course at your department. The course might be one where you are currently involved as a teacher or one you will give in the future. We recommend that you discuss your choice with the director of studies and/or the course coordinator, so that you can contribute to teaching and learning at your department.
See Syllabus
Johanna Bergqvist Rydén, Marita Ljungqvist and Katarina Mårtensson