Teaching and learning in higher education - blended course
This course is part of the compulsory qualifying teacher training and open to all faculties at Lund University. The course serves as an introduction to learning and teaching in higher education for teachers on all academic levels – from PhD-students to professors – with no formal training in this area. The workload on the course equals two weeks of full-time work (i.e. 80 hours). For doctoral students the course is evaluated to ECTS credits by your faculty.
The course is blended - most course activities are carried out on the web and there are two compulsory face-to-face meetings*. The course format makes it possible for participants to, within recommended time periods, follow the course at any time, anywhere and is accordingly suitable for teachers who require a certain flexibility. The discussions on the course are carried out using open digital tools.
The content material related to the first course element, the Introduction, will be available from course start date.
Course dates:
The course starts 2 October, 2023 and ends 3 March, 2024.
It takes place online, except for two compulsory face-to-face meetings in a classroom.
- Face to face meeting 1: Friday 20 October, 09:15-12:00
- Face to face meeting 2: Friday 24 November, 09:15-12:00
Participants are also welcome to join a voluntary “Welcome to the course” meeting online, October 6, 11:15 – 12:00.
Course description:
Open the course description here (PDF, 213 kB, new tab)
Room, O104, MNO-house, Sölvegatan 16, 223 62 Lund