The audio drama series "Före-Efter" by Sveriges Radio Drama portrays historical turning points in Sweden, where society has transitioned from a 'before' to an 'after.' The drama series revolves around fictional characters placed in real events, depicting how ordinary people have been affected by historical incidents.
Each season is followed by a podcast that delves deeper into the historical events underlying the audio drama. In the latest episode about Ådalen 1931, Professor Roger Johansson from the Department of Education Sciences at Lund University participates.
Roger Johansson has a background as a teacher of history and religion, and later defended his dissertation "The Struggle for History – Ådalen 1931." In it, he examines how the shootings in Ådalen have been discussed in various ways in politics and how the perception of those events has changed over time.
Host Johar Bendjelloul is also joined on the podcast by Sweden's former Prime Minister 2014-2021 Stefan Löfvén (Social Democrats), discussing the circumstances that led to the shootings in Ådalen 1931 and its consequences.
Listen to the "Före-Efter" podcast with Johar Bendjelloul about Ådalen 1931 here.