Inclusive Classroom
Diversity and Universal Design for Learning
This course aims to inspire and increase the knowledge among teachers and other staff to create more inclusive forms of teaching and examination for a diversity of students.
This course is a thematic course given by Enheten för undervisningsstöd in collaboration with AHU, providing participants with the opportunity to advance their knowledge on inclusive forms of teaching and learning. The course consists of several seminars, which require preparation to facilitate an informed dialogue during each seminar. Throughout the course, space is created to foster ample opportunities to discuss and analyse their own teaching practice.
During the seminars, a range of themes are presented and discussed: Universal Design for Learning (UDL); students with disabilities; laws and policies on equal treatment and disability support services; neuropsychiatric disabilities and inclusive teaching; situations that teachers can prepare for and possible solutions; accessible documents and automatic subtitling; flexibility and unnecessary limitations in learning outcomes and course syllabi; as well as higher education pedagogical literature on UDL and inclusive teaching.
In addition to the seminars, participants complete a small project linked to their own practice. The project can be carried out individually or together with other participants. Course instruction and discussions are conducted in English; the course project may be written in English or Swedish.
Course Dates
Scope & Assessment
The course is equivalent to one week of pedagogical training, corresponding to 40 hours of full-time work. If a participant does not complete a course within the specified time, all course components must be submitted within three years of commencement in order to receive a course certificate.
To receive a certificate, course participants shall demonstrate achievement of the intended learning outcomes by:
- Submitting a written report
- Participating in at least 80% of the seminars
Absence from a maximum of two seminars can be compensated by a reflection assignment related to the material presented and other participants' submitted preparation assignments.
Note: Participants may choose to attend the seminars without completing the course project. For those that attend only the seminars, you will receive a certificate of participation, which can be included in an academic portfolio; however, participants must submit a project for assessment that achieves the intended learning outcomes in order to receive weeks towards teacher training.
The course is a collaboration between the Unit for Educational Services and the Centre for Engineering Education.
Knowledge and Understanding
For a passing grade, the participant must:
- Be able to give examples of and reflect on challenges related to student diversity as well as inclusive teaching and examination connected to one's own practice and students' learning.
- Be able to give examples of and reflect on how teachers can meet a diversity of students in an inclusive and welcoming way, including against the background of regulations on equal treatment and the university's support for students with disabilities.
- Be able to critically review and discuss the flexibility of learning objectives and examination forms for a course in relation to students' differences and the learning outcomes of the education programme and the Higher Education Ordinance.
Competence and Skills
For a passing grade, the participant must:
- Be able to identify and remove unnecessary barriers to student learning and examination considering students' differences, conditions and abilities and the principles of Universal Design for Learning (UDL).
- Be able to discuss inclusive solutions with colleagues, based on among other things scientific articles about UDL and inclusive teaching.
- Be able to create more accessible documents.
- Independently, or together with others, be able to plan, implement and document in writing an inclusion project linked to one's own practice.
Judgement and Approach
For a passing grade, the participant must:
- Show a reflective approach to one's own academic teaching, the relationship with the students, and to the value base of higher education.
- Be able to express a desire to proactively try to create inclusive solutions in one's own practice.
No previous higher education teacher training is required, though, it is recommended.
The course literature consists of scientific articles and other literature distributed during the course, presentations at seminars, documents, and references in connection with preparation assignments as well as preparation assignments submitted by other participants.
Who is this course for?
This course is for any teaching staff as well as study counsellors and administrative staff who want to be better prepared to meet the varying needs of students. We know that students who receive study support due to functional impairments have tripled in numbers over the last ten years, meaning that every group of students will comprise someone in need of some sort of adaptation to come to equal standing with other students.
Course description
The course is among several thematic courses administered by the Division for Higher Education Development (AHU). For those interested in continuing to develop their competence, learn more about our university-wide initative called 'Teaching for Sustainability'.
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